IEEE 802-2014(Redline)
IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Overview and Architecture (Redline)
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
IEEE | 2014 | 74 |
Revision Standard – Active. This standard provides an overview to the family of IEEE 802® standards. It describes the reference models for the IEEE 802 standards and explains the relationship of these standards to the higher layer protocols; it provides a standard for the structure of IEEE 802 MAC addresses; it provides a standard for identification of public, private, prototype, and standard protocols; it specifies an object identifier hierarchy used within IEEE 802 for uniform allocation of object identifiers used in IEEE 802 standards; and it specifies a method for higher layer protocol identification. (The PDF of this standard is available at no charge compliments of the IEEE GET Program. Visit for more details.)
PDF Catalog
PDF Pages | PDF Title |
1 | IEEE Std 802®-2014 front cover |
2 | Blank Page |
3 | Title page |
4 | Abstract/Keywords |
5 | Important Notices and Disclaimers Concerning IEEE Standards Documents |
8 | Participants |
11 | Historical participants |
13 | Introduction |
15 | Contents |
19 | IMPORTANT NOTICE 1. Overview 1.1 Scope 1.2 Purpose |
20 | 2. Normative references |
21 | 3. Definitions, acronyms and abbreviations 3.1 Definitions |
23 | 3.2 Acronyms and abbreviations |
25 | 4. Family of IEEE 802 standards 4.1 Key concepts |
26 | 4.2 Application and support |
27 | 4.3 An international family of standards 4.4 IEEE 802 standards |
29 | 5. Reference models (RMs) 5.1 Introduction |
30 | 5.2 RM description for end stations |
31 | 5.2.1 SAPs 5.2.2 LLC sublayer |
32 | 5.2.3 MAC sublayer 5.2.4 PHY |
33 | 5.2.5 Layer and sublayer management 5.3 Interconnection and interworking 5.3.1 Interconnection at the PHY 5.3.2 MAC-sublayer interconnection: Bridges |
36 | 5.3.3 Network-layer interconnection: Routers |
37 | 6. General requirements for an IEEE 802 network 6.1 Services supported 6.2 Error ratios 6.3 Transient service interruption 6.4 Regulatory requirements |
38 | 7. IEEE 802 network management 7.1 General 7.2 General-purpose IEEE 802 network management 7.2.1 Management functions 7.2.2 Management architecture |
39 | 7.2.3 Managed object definitions 7.3 Special-purpose IEEE 802 network management standards |
40 | 8. MAC addresses 8.1 Terms and notational conventions 8.2 Universal addresses 8.2.1 Concept and overview 8.2.2 Assignment of universal addresses |
43 | 8.2.3 Assignment by organizations 8.2.4 Uniqueness of address assignment 8.3 Interworking with 48-bit and 64-bit MAC addresses |
44 | 8.4 Local MAC addresses 8.5 Standardized group MAC addresses 8.6 Bit-ordering and different MACs 8.6.1 General considerations |
45 | 8.6.2 Recommendation |
46 | 9. Protocol identifiers 9.1 Introduction 9.2 EtherTypes 9.2.1 Format, function, and administration |
47 | 9.2.2 EtherTypes for prototype and vendor-specific protocol development 9.2.3 Local Experimental EtherTypes |
48 | 9.2.4 OUI Extended EtherType |
49 | 9.3 OUI and OUI-36 as protocol identifiers |
50 | 9.4 Encapsulation of Ethernet frames with LPD |
51 | 9.5 SNAP 9.5.1 SNAP identifier 9.5.2 SNAP address |
52 | 9.5.3 SNAP data unit format |
53 | 10. Allocation of OID values in IEEE 802 standards 10.1 General 10.2 OIDs and ISO standards |
54 | 10.3 The OID hierarchy for IEEE 802 standards |
55 | 10.4 The OID hierarchy under iso(1) std(0) iso8802(8802) 10.5 Migration from previous OID allocations |
56 | Annex A (informative) Bibliography |
57 | Annex B (informative) RMs for IEEE 802 standards B.1 IEEE 802.3 RMs |
59 | B.2 IEEE 802.11 RM |
61 | B.3 IEEE 802.15™ RMs B.3.1 IEEE 802.15.3™ RM |
62 | B.3.2 IEEE 802.15.4™ RM B.3.3 IEEE 802.15.6™ RM B.3.4 IEEE 802.15.7™ RM |
63 | B.4 IEEE 802.16™ RM B.4.1 Protocol RM |
64 | B.4.2 Network RM |
65 | B.5 IEEE 802.21™ RM |
66 | B.6 IEEE 802.22™ RM |
67 | B.6.1 Data plane B.6.2 Management/control plane B.6.3 Cognitive plane |
68 | Annex C (informative) Examples of bit ordering for addresses C.1 General C.2 Illustrative examples |
71 | Annex D (informative) List of IEEE 802 standards |
74 | Annex E (informative) History E.1 Universal addresses E.2 IEEE RA address block products |