TIA-455-57-B:1994 (R2013)
FOTP-57 Preparation and Examination of Optical Fiber Endface for Testing Purposes
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
TIA | 1994 | 26 |
This procedure provides guidelines for acceptable optical fiber
endface appearance and defines the techniques that are commonly
employed to obtain such appearance. This procedure is intended to
promote uniformity in fiber end preparation quality for testing
purposes only and does not address issues associated with endface
preparation and examination for the purposes of permanent
termination (i.e., connectorization and splicing). This FOTP is not
intended to require examination of every fiber end, nor is it
intended to establish firm requirements, and is made available only
to provide guidelines for various levels of end quality that may be
called out in other FOTPs. Lastly, the intent of this method shall
not be confused with the intent of FOTP-179, which is concerned
primarily with the comparison of relative results.
Hazards The procedure may involve the use of
certain hazardous materials, operations and equipment. It is the
responsibility of whoever uses this procedure to establish
appropriate safety practices and to determine the applicability of
regulatory limitations prior to use. Note, in particular, that some
fluids used may be flammable or may constitute health hazards, or
both. Use proper precautions during handling and during the balance
of the procedure. Constant, prolonged or excess exposure to
solvents such as Freon®, 1-1-1 trichloroethane, methylene chloride
and methyl isobutyl ketone may act as a carcinogen or damage
internal organs. Use solvents in a well-ventilated area and avoid
skin contact as a standard precaution. Consult safety data sheets
for these materials.